I ragazzi di terza media scrivono una lettera alla Regina Elisabetta

La risposta, attesa con tanta curiosità, ha suscitato una grande emozione!

Nell’ambito dello studio sulle Civiltà e, in particolar modo, sulla storia della Monarchia si inserisce l’iniziativa dei ragazzi di terza media Montessori e dell’insegnante di lingue straniere, Prof.ssa Laura Cavalleri, che quest’anno hanno deciso di approfondire la storia della famiglia Reale Windsor.

Dopo aver visionato alcuni filmati ufficiali sul Parlamento Inglese e letto numerosi scritti a tema, i ragazzi hanno scritto una lunga lettera alla regina d’Inghilterra:


“Your Majesty, We are the students of the junior high school “Maria Montessori” in Italy, we are from thirteen to fourteen years old and we are writing to Your Majesty as we have studied Your Majesty’s story and the story of the Royal Family, and we are very interested. We are very excited and honoured in writing this letter. We wish Your Majesty all the best for the Royal baby, George, may he become a strong, determined and intelligent King like Your Majesty’s father. Last year we watched the movie “The King’s Speech”, and we liked it a lot, the King was really an amazing person! In Italy too Your Majesty is an estimated Queen because, in spite of the troubles, Your Majesty has always got the strength to lead the Reign for sixty years. We have just had the honour to watch on television the latest State Opening of Parliament and we admired You Majesty’s elegance and dignity. We would like to make ask some questions to Your Majesty, if we could dare; has Your Majesty ever been to Italy? What would Your Majesty be if hadn’t been Queen? How are Your Majesty’ s beloved dogs? What is Your Majesty’ s favourite Italian food? What are You Majesty’s hobbies? We apologise to have been so intrusive, but we are so interested in Your Majesty’s life and we want Your Majesty to know that we, Italian boys and girls, supportBritainand the Royal Family. We know Your Majesty has a lot of letters to read but we hope to have an answer. We also apologise if our English is not perfect, but our teacher let us write this letter without interfere, so that we could write our own thoughts. We have the honour to be Madam, Your Majesty’s humble, and obedient subjects. Laura, Mattia, Marina, Rachele, Rebecca, Alessia, Matteo, Edoardo, Andrea, Carlo, Roberto, Alessandro, Antonio”

La risposta, arrivata dalla residenza di campagna della casa reale inglese di Sandringham House, nella contea di Norfolk, è stata scritta direttamente dall’assistente personale nonché dama di compagnia della Regina, Lady-in-Waiting Susan Hussey, Baronessa Hussey di North Bradley.

Allegati alla lettera anche diversi fascicoli illustrati sulla vita quotidiana della Royal Family.